South Lyon High School has adopted a standards-based grading system. Student’s grades will be weighted based on SUMMATIVE and FORMATIVE assessments. Formative assessments may include classwork, homework, participation and lab work. Summative assessments are cumulative assignments that represent an understanding of the larger concepts and may include tests and unit exams. Since this is an AP ® class, it is weighted more towards the Summative side.
Semester Grade:
Grade will be based on a cumulative 18 week semester.
Cumulative Semester based on formative and Summative Assignments 90%
Final Exam 10%
Semester Grade: 100%
Chapter Tests and Unit Exams include responses to analytical free-response questions that are similar to the free-response essays on the AP ® Exam. Unit Exams will be similar to the AP ® Exam.
*While a SLCS retake/redo policy begins this year, this is a college-level course, and the expectation of being able to redo/retake assessments in most universities is NOT realistic. See the Petition Request Form for complete policy in this class. Some formative assessments or quizzes (at the teacher’s discretion) may be eligible under this policy based on a successful completion of a redo petition form.
Using Graphs, Maps and Charts
Students are tested on their understanding of quantitative and visually presented information (maps and graphs) at regular intervals during tests and especially during Unit Exams. These questions will either be in the form of a chart or graph and will require the student to use the data and/or information in their response.